Yin Yoga 50 Logo
For Walkers & Hikers
Like to hike but your legs are starting to protest? As we age our lower bodies tighten up the most. We lose mobility from the navel down.

When we practice yin yoga we stimulate the growth of fibroblasts. These are the cells responsible for creating collagen, elastin and the molecules that hydrate our joints and tissues.

Hydrating our tissues allows our joints to move and our fascia to slide more easily. The result is that we feel less stiff. And enjoy walking much more.
This sequence targets your quads, inner thighs, hamstrings, hip flexors and hip joints to keep you moving along the trail for longer, and without feeling so stiff.

Remember. If you feel any pain in any pose, back off or come out of the pose directly.
Savasana 5 minutes
Try some belly breathing. Lift your belly in as you inhale. Do a quick body scan and try to make your spine as long as possible.
Butterfly 4 minutes
Butterfly stretches your inner thighs, groins, knees, and hamstrings. It also targets your ligaments along the back of the spine, keeping you comfortable on your feet for longer.

Counterpose: Lean back with your feet together and wave them from side to side.
Dragonfly (Straddle) 3 minutes
This pose helps with hip mobility and stretches your inner thighs, hamstrings, spine and abdominals. It makes walking more comfortable. Or life more comfortable after walking.

Counterpose: From a leaning back position, move your feet from side to side.
Sleeping Swan/Figure of Four 3 minutes each side
This pose stresses your IT band, helping relieve knee and hip problems, increasing your hiking pleasure.

Counterpose Downward Dog.
Shoelace 3 minutes each side
Shoelace stretches your inner thighs and groin as well as loosening your hips. Looser hips means easier walking.

Counterpose: Teepee or Window Wipers.
Saddle 3 minutes each side
I find this a tough one but get lots of benefit from it as it gives my hip flexors and quadriceps a really good stretch. It’s excellent for people who do a lot of standing or walking.

Counterpose: Relax in Savasana for a short time before pulling your knees to your chest, maybe one at a time, to release your lower back.
Bananasana 3 minutes per side
Stretching all of one side then the other takes tension off the whole side including your legs. It’s perfect before or after a long hike.

Counterpose: Hug/circle your knees.

Savasana as long as you like

Check out how your body feels now. Hopefully you should feel a lot less leggy.

More Sequences To Try

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