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Super for people 50+, Bananasana stretches your shoulders, arms, chest, core, and lower back.

It stresses the IT (iliotibial) band, relieving pressure on your knee joints.

Tight IT bands often result in “runner’s knee” and lots of associated knee problems.

Bananasana helps with breathing by stretching the intercostal muscles around your ribcage.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Lie down in Savasana (Corpse pose) with your hands by your sides. To stretch your left side, bring your bottom to the left-hand side of your mat.

Bring your hands over your head and stretch out fully.

Keep your feet together and move them to the right. If you prefer, cross your left foot over your right foot.

Grab your left wrist with your right hand then gently pull.

Try to stay relaxed and don’t put too much pressure on your lower back.

Be careful with your arms when you come out of the pose. Bring them slowly back to your sides.

To stretch your right side, bring your bottom to the right side of the mat and repeat the instructions in reverse.

The physio says... Lots of pain at the side of your back is a result of you being tight on one or both sides. This pose helps rectify this and alleviate back pain.

The Easy Way.

If you have a problem with your shoulders you can simply keep your arms by your sides. Alternatively, you don’t have to cross your feet over.

The Counter Pose.

An excellent counterpose is to hug your knees to your chest. Keep your head and shoulders on the mat to avoid stressing them.

Either rock from side to side to give your back a massage, or alternatively stretch out one leg and then the other, pulling your other leg close to your body.
Just bring your arms back down by your sides, uncouple your feet if you’ve crossed them and relax in Savasana.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

Lots of pain at the side of your back is a result of you being tight on one or both sides. This pose helps rectify this and alleviate back pain.


Stimulates the Liver and Gallbladder meridians, helping digestion.

More Poses To Try

As the saying goes...
If you’re feeling it, you’re doing it. You know you’re making a difference to your body. Maybe adjust your edge after you’ve been in a pose for a while?
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