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A Fifteen Minute Fix

For Healthier Hips
Hips don’t lie, especially if they’re beginning to cause you pain. And as we get older, we become more susceptible to wear and tear, and arthritis.

Stretching our hips helps increase our range of motion and relieve pain in our hips. Try these:
Butterfly 3 minutes
Everyone should do this pose every day. In just three minutes (more if you have time), you’ll open your hips and your inner thighs, and feel a lot less stiff.
Frog pose 3 minutes
Remember to try to fold your feet outward in Frog pose. And don’t try to put too much stress on your hips at once. Let your edge, and gravity, do its work.
Shoelace pose 3 minutes each side
Shoelace pose 3 minutes each side
Window Wipers – as long as you like
A lovely active stretch for your hips as well as the inner and outer muscles of your legs. This is another exercise that’s great to do every day. If, of course, you have the time.

Why don’t you have the time exactly?

More 15 Minute Fixes To Try

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