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A Fifteen Minute Fix

To Help You Mentally Declutter
This quick session is more about looking inward than pushing outward. Try thinking from a ‘me’ perspective instead of ‘them’ perspective. It’s only when we feel better in ourselves that we can help our family and our friends to be better.
Legs up the wall 5 minutes
The easy way into this pose is to lie down parallel to the wall then slide your bottom around as you lift your legs. Once you’re there, concentrate on 4x4 breathing. Four seconds in through your nose, hold for four seconds, then four seconds out through your mouth.
Reclining Butterfly 5 minutes
If you can, stretch your hands above your head. Maybe lie on a bolster? Concentrate on your breathing.

Have you ever thought much about food and how it can affect your mood? Which foods are good for you? Which ones should you eat more of? And what you should eat/drink less of?

Savasana 5 minutes or more
Stay in this relaxing pose for as long as you like. While you’re here, scan through your body. How does each part feel? What sensations or thoughts go through your mind as you lie there?

More 15 Minute Fixes To Try

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