Yin Yoga 50 Logo
Bridge pose tones both your spine and back. It helps relieve pain in your hips, while stretching your arms and shoulders. It helps tone your stomach muscles too.

Regulating the flow of blood to the heart, Bridge pose is good for your blood pressure and helps improve digestion.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Come into Bridge pose by placing your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.

Place your arms down by your side with palms facing down and walk your heels up until they meet your fingers. Lift your hips up and slide a block under your bottom. Make sure your block is under your pelvis and not your lower back.

Now slide your legs down so that you feel the tension from the block. If you want, you can stretch your arms over your head for a deeper stretch.

Need More?
Once you’ve found your edge, you may want to in-crease the stress. Simply slide another block under the first one. Make sure to use the flat side of the blocks so they don’t fall while you are in the pose.

The Easy Way.

If you find it's too much to stretch your arms out behind your head, just rest them across your chest or even your abdomen. You'll still feel a good lumbar stretch.

The Counter Pose.

Hug your knees to your chest, keeping your head and shoulders on the floor. Maybe roll from side to side to massage your back?
If you’ve raised your arms, bring them back down by your sides. Bring up your knees and push on your feet to raise your bottom of the block, then slide it away while you slide down to the floor. Relax.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

This pose stretches the chest muscles and relieves tension in your shoulders and back. It also helps us to breathe better.


Bridge pose stimulates several meridians including Kidney and Bladder, Spleen and Stomach, and the Heart meridians.

More Poses To Try

Focus Is Key
Keep your eyes closed and use slow, deep breathing to relax deeper into this, or any yin yoga pose.
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