Yin Yoga 50 Logo
Caterpillar (and Dangling) stretches and compresses the tendons and tissues around your spine and abdomen.

It’s an excellent stretch for your hamstrings.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Sit on a block or cushion. Push both legs out in front of you and try to straighten them as much as you can. Now fold forward, bending your back.

Maybe trace your fingers down your quads, knees, and tops of your calves to find your edge?

From standing, fold forward, pushing your hands down the front of your legs until you feel your edge.

The Easy Way.

You might have problems straightening your legs. Sit on a cushion or block and straighten your legs as much as you can.

Sitting up straight rather than bending forward might be easier.

The Counter Pose.

Lean back onto your elbows, keep your feet together and move them from side to side to release any tension in your spine or stomach.
Use your hands to slowly push yourself up to a sitting position. Push up from a standing position if you’ve been in Dangling pose.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

This exercises stretches the hamstrings, taking pressure off our lower backs, often alleviating pain.


Stimulates the Bladder meridian.

More Poses To Try

Let Gravity Do The Work.
You’ll find your knees come closer to the floor over time while you’re in the pose. And of course, the more you do it, the more flexible you become.
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