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Butterfly/Reclining Butterfly
Butterfly stretches your hips, knee joints, pelvis, shoulders, and neck. It stretches your lower back, even if your hamstrings are tight.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Butterfly/Reclining Butterfly
Bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall either side toward the floor. Don’t try to force your knees, just find your edge. Allow your back to fold forward and try to relax.

Bulging discs? Keep straight as you come forward rather than round your back.

From a lying position, bring your knees up and have them flat on the floor.

Now put the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall either side toward the floor. Don’t try to force your knees, just find your edge.

Try lifting your arms above your head and
resting them on the floor to stretch your shoulders and your upper and lower back.

The Easy Way.

Use a block, sit cushion, or blanket to sit on. If your bones feel supported, your muscles relax.

The Counter Pose.

Teepee. Put your feet flat on the floor on the edge of your mat with your knees pointing upward. Now push your knees together.

Window Wipers. From the Teepee position, start to roll your legs down to one side of your mat as far as

You can, then up again. Now sink them to the other side. Do as many turns as you like.
Straighten up your back until you’re upright. If you need to, push your knees gently with your hands until they come together.

Now lie down and relax. If you’re in Reclining Butterfly, bring your arms down by your sides first.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

Hips become tight, especially in men. This pose relieves pressure on your glutes and hips.


Butterfly pose affects the Gallbladder, Kidney, Liver, and Bladder meridians.

More Poses To Try

If your groin complains
Just stretch out your arms and legs to make yourself as long as possible.
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