Yin Yoga 50 Logo
Shoelace stretches the IT band and your glutes while targeting your hamstrings, inner thighs, and groins. Flexing the knee joint keeps the ligaments strong, helping prevent injury and arthritis.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

I advise sitting on a blanket, block, or bolster.

From Butterfly pose, let your right knee fall onto the floor and maybe pull it closer to your left hip.

Cross your left leg over your right and stack your knees on top of each other if you can. Try to have both your sitting bones on the mat, blanket, or block.

The Easy Way.

Problem with sitting on your bottom leg? Keep it straight and bend the top leg over. Maybe grab the bent leg to find your edge.

The Counter Pose.

Window Wipers to bring back movement into your legs.
Let go of your top leg if you’re holding it and let your legs come straight out in front of you.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

Some poses are more difficult than others for some people. Often this is simply because people’s bone structure is different.

Maybe you simply can’t rotate as much as other people can.


Stimulates the Liver, Kidney and Gallbladder. Bladder if you bend forward.

More Poses To Try

Window Wipers Are Great
Window Wipers are great on their own for increasing mobility in your hips.
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