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Half Butterfly
If you don’t do any other pose, do this one regularly. You can do one side at a time while you watch the TV adverts.

Half Butterfly stretches the hamstrings of your extended leg and the inner thigh, groin, and knee of your folded leg.

The folded leg also stretches your hip flexors, which can relieve pain and tension on the hips and knees. Folding forward stretches your spine.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Half Butterfly
Sit on a block or cushion, bend one leg and draw your foot into your inner leg. If you want to stretch your adductors (groin), bring your foot closer to the top of your leg. If you want to stretch your hamstrings, bring your foot closer to your knee.

Now fold forward over your straight leg to the front, or to the side. Turn your torso toward the center.

The Easy Way.

Place a cushion under your knee if you have problems with your knees or if you have tight hamstrings, or lie down and do the pose on the wall.

The Counter Pose.

Window Wipers or lie on your back and cradle your knees.
Straighten your bent leg then slowly push your body up to sitting.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

Hips become tight, especially in men. This pose relieves pressure on your glutes and hips, and also your hamstrings.


Stretching your hips and inside leg stimulates the Kidney, Liver, Gallbladder, and Bladder meridians.

More Poses To Try

Measure Your Pulse
If you have a watch that measures your pulse, check your pulse level when you start and after you finish your yin yoga session. You’ll be surprised at the difference.
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