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Deer pose is a gentle pose that helps with external and internal rotation of your hips. It also gives you a gentle upper body twist.

It engages the lower back muscles, glutes, knees, quads, and even your neck. It’s thought to be a great pose to help lower back issues like sciatica and piriformis syndrome.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Either start in Butterfly or have your legs straight out in front of you.
Let your right knee come up then try to lay it flat on the floor in front of you.

Now bend your left knee and pull it slightly so that both knees mirror each other. Try to keep your sitting bones on the floor.

The Easy Way.

Maybe lean forward or sideways onto a bolster for a relaxing back stretch.

The Counter Pose.

One side is a counterpose to the other, but Window Wipers is an excellent way to loosen the hips and legs after stretching each side.
Lean toward your forward leg then swing your back foot forward until your knees are together. Roll around to a sitting position.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

There is a theory that hip rotation in poses like Deer pose stimulate the fascia, aiding flexibility.


Stimulates the Gallbladder, Kidney, and Liver meridians.

More Poses To Try

Remember, You Shouldn’t Feel Pain.
Once you’re in the pose, try to direct your breath to where you feel most tension so that you can stay in the pose for longer, maximizing the benefit.
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