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Open Wing
One of my favourite poses, Open Wing opens your pectoral and bicep tissues and targets the deeper tissues of your shoulders. It releases tension, even in your hips and inner thighs.

It puts gentle pressure on your upper arm which helps strengthen your biceps and triceps. I find this pose good for tennis elbow as I grip my golf clubs too hard.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Open Wing
Lie on your stomach. Extend both your arms to 90 degrees.
To stretch your right side, look left, then lift your left arm close to the left shoulder. Bring up your left knee.

Use your left palm to lift your chest and regulate the stress on your right shoulder.

Want More?
Bring your left leg over your body and plant it on your right side. More? Take your left arm over your back so it’s parallel with your right arm.

The Easy Way.

Just don’t push so hard with your palm. It’s easy to regulate pressure, then increase it as your shoulder moves deeper over time.

The Counter Pose.

Thread the Needle. Bring your right arm through your left arm from a Tabletop position.
Release your arm that’s adding pressure, then slide your leg back so both legs are parallel and your arms are spread out.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

If the top of your chest muscles are tight, it can lead to problems with the shoulder. These are excellent poses to counteract the effects of this.


Stimulates the Stomach and Spleen meridians.

More Poses To Try

Be Mindful & in The Moment
Think about being mindful: Live in the moment. Accept yourself. Focus on your breathing.
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