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A 30-Minute Sequence For Improving Digestion
You might be wondering if your headache, bloated stomach, acid reflux is because of your diet. The chances are it is, especially as our bodies take longer to process things as we get older.

Certain yin yoga poses can help with stomach issues by relieving stress as they stimulate your rest and digest system.
Any pose that stretches or twists the abdominal muscles can regulate digestion as you’re giving your stomach, and intestines, a gentle massage.

Savasana 5 minutes

This pose lowers the tempo of your mind and body before you start. You shift from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state.
Supported Bridge 4 minutes
This is a great way to stretch your abdominal muscles. It helps stimulate the thyroid gland which can improve your metabolism.

Counterpose: Hug your knees to your chest for 2 minutes.
Squat pose 2-3 minutes
While squatting may be challenging, it pushes blood through your body a bit quicker, improving circulation and helping with the passage of food.

Counterpose: Dangling

A perfect counterpose to the squat as it stretches your hamstrings and hips. As you come out of Dangling you stimulate fresh blood, nutrients and oxygen, improving digestion and boosting your metabolism.
Reclining twist 3 minutes each side
This is the perfect pose to untie any knots you may have in your stomach, relaxing your abdomen, letting food pass through. It’s a nice way to relax your stomach before you go to bed.
Child’s pose 4 minutes
Another great pose to help you relax and let your intestines do what they need to do.

Counterpose: Cat/Cow.

Savasana 5 minutes
Lie down, relax and feel the benefit you’ve just given to your stomach. Enjoy the rest of your day—or a good night’s sleep now there’s less chance of your stomach interrupting.

More Sequences To Try

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