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A Fifteen Minute Fix

To Boost Your Back
Ouch. Your back just keeps on hurting. Try this quick session to unlock stiff vertebrae and unleash some much-needed energy.
Sphinx 3 minutes
This pose is good for releasing tension in the small of your back and realigning your natural posture. If you feel the pose is a bit too tight, maybe spread your legs apart slightly.

Once you’ve done, relax on your stomach for a while and enjoy some stillness
Caterpillar 3 minutes
Lots of people have short hamstrings, which stress your back by pulling on your sitting bones. Caterpillar stresses the ligaments along your spine, which can relieve back pain.
Happy Baby 3 minutes
Happy Baby 3 minutes
Wall Straddle 4 minutes
A nice, relaxing way to lengthen and stretch your back muscles as well as your hamstrings. And of course, the closer you can shimmy up to the wall, the deeper the stretch.

More 15 Minute Fixes To Try

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