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Cat Pulling Its Tail
This is an excellent pose to stimulate your feet, ankle, knee, quadriceps, lower back, spine, and oblique muscles in your stomach.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Cat Pulling Its Tail
Lie on your right side with your body along the side of your mat. Bend your knees to ninety degrees.

Support your head with your palm or against the side of your arm.

Bring your left leg forward and to the side over your right leg.

Now grab your bottom (right) foot and pull it toward your buttocks.Reverse the sequence for the other side.

The Easy Way.

If you feel too much tightness by pulling your bottom leg, leave it and enjoy the side bend.

The Counter Pose.

Child’s pose (see description) or hug your knees to your chest.
Just let go of your ankle and bring your left leg back, relaxing back into a lying position.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

This pose will relieve pressure on your back by stretching the hip flexors and surrounding muscles.


Stimulates the Stomach and Spleen, Bladder, and Kidney meridians.

More Poses To Try

Accept Your Body For What It Is.
Try to release your muscles by letting go of any distractions. Keep your eyes closed and think inward.
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