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Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Time for a rest while calming your whole body? Savasana helps you move away from our stressful lives, to awakening the parasympathetic rest-and-digest response.

It slows down our cardiovascular system, brings oxygen to the blood (with the right breathing), and gives us a greater awareness of our bodies.

Quite simply it reduces anxiety—and your blood pressure—while promoting relaxation and healing.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Lie flat on your mat and maybe have a blanket or pillow under your head for support. Separate your legs and let them fall flat.

Keep your palms up to the ceiling or sky and just let your body relax into itself. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.

The Easy Way.

There isn’t an easier way, although you might want to put a bolster under your knees for comfort, or even lie on a bolster to stretch out your shoulders.

The Counter Pose.

Just do any pose you like after Savasana. I use it to start and finish every yin session.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

This posture is very restful and can help e repair cells and tissues. It helps decrease blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia.


More Poses To Try

Make Savasana A Daily Habit
To calm and relax your body. And stay in the pose for around ten to twelve percent of the total time you practice yin yoga to really benefit.
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