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A Fifteen Minute Fix

For Office-Bound Shoulders
Hunching over a screen or glaring at a TV sitting in the wrong way can be a pain. Literally. This fifteen-minute shoulder fix will help you loosen your neck and shoulder blades, and even give you a better posture, both at work and at rest.
Melting Heart 3 minutes
Melting Heart is the perfect upper and middle-shoulder opener. Use a blanket to rest your forehead on to be more comfortable.

If you want a deeper stretch, rest on your chin (which some people find uncomfortable) or stretch your arms over a bolster.
Open Wing two minutes each side
If your shoulders are really tight, just concentrate on using your hand to exert pressure on your extended arm. If you want more, bring your top arm all the way over.
Thread the Needle two minutes each side
Thread the Needle two minutes each side
Child’s pose 3 minutes
Child’s pose helps you relax while you stretch your spine and shoulders, hips and ankles. Concentrate on your breathing to bring that little extra harmony to your body – and freedom to your shoulders.

More 15 Minute Fixes To Try

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