Yin Yoga 50 Logo
For Better Sleep
There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep to feel better throughout the day. Your body rests and repairs itself, while you boost your immune system and help prevent diseases. And it’s good for warding off depression and improving your memory.

But if you forgot the last time you slept for as long as you need to, try this flow to send you into the land of dreams.
You don’t need to do every pose, just the ones you think will help you sleep.

Savasana 4 minutes

This slow start to any yin yoga session helps you calm your body and brings back its natural balance. Practice Ocean breath while you relax ever deeper.
Child’s pose 3 minutes
Child’s pose is the perfect way to relax and soothe your mind, all while you give your spine a lovely stretch.

Counterpose: Tabletop.
Frog pose, 3 minutes
This excellent hip opener helps stretch your inner thighs and improves range of motion as well as helping relieve lower back tension. That should help you sleep better.

Counterpose: Lie on your back and pull your knees to your chest.
Supported Bridge 3 minutes
Supported Bridge helps relieve headaches, soothes your nervous system, and promotes relaxation. Use props like bolsters and blankets to support your hips, knees and feet if you want.

Counterpose: Hug your knees to your chest.
Deer pose, 3 minutes each side
This restful hip opening pose is excellent for relieving stress and tension in your hips and lower back. Why not rest onto a bolster and dream away?

Counterpose: Window Wipers.
Happy Baby, 3 minutes
Happy Baby helps reduce back pain and can ease any stress or anxiety you may be feeling. Like all yin yoga poses, it lowers your heart rate, making sleep easier.

Counterpose: Child’s pose.
Wall Caterpillar 3 minutes
Wall Caterpillar is the perfect antidote to a long day on your feet. It’s an excellent pose for calming your body and making you less anxious; super-important for a good night’s sleep.

Counterpose: Drop right into Wall Butterfly.
Wall Butterfly 3 minutes
Enjoy relaxing by the wall. Having your legs in Butterfly, yet above your head while you control your breathing is a great way to slow your body and mind.

Both these wall poses on their own are a great way to get ready for bed. Use props to make yourself as comfortable as you can.
Supine Twist, 3 minutes each side
Enjoy this gentle twisting motion of your spine as it relieves the tension in your back.

Counterpose: Do the other side.

Savasana, 5 minutes
Use deep breathing in this pose to really let go of your worries. Concentrate inward on yourself, your body, and your mind.

Now enjoy that glass of herbal tea before you get that good night’s rest.

More Sequences To Try

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