Yin Yoga 50 Logo

Healthier Knees & Hips

Sequences for a better body... And mind

Putting the pieces together

The best antidote to a hectic schedule, or if you’re feeling stiffness, is relaxing in yin yoga poses.

These next pages suggest yin yoga flows (sequences) to help you with everything from headaches to hamstrings and stimulate your body from the tops of your fingers to the tips of your toes.

While most of the sequences below concentrate on helping with specific body issues, others help you perform better in sports such as golf, skiing, and hiking, or just help to make everyday life that much easier, meaning that carrying shopping or humping around grandkids becomes less of a chore.

All sequences start and end with Savasana, Corpse pose. I feel that it gives us the opportunity to scan our bodies both before and after the practice.

Take the time to make the time

These flows are all between fifty to seventy minutes long, which you may feel is too long if you’re not at a class.

Do what feels right for you. If you only have time for a few of the poses, fine. It’s a lot better than none. You can even check out the fifteen-minute fixes further in the book.

Let’s do it.

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