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A Fifteen Minute Fix

To Shake Off Sadness
Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine will tell you that if you’re feeling down, then maybe your Stomach and Spleen meridians are blocked.

The Stomach meridian starts under your eye and travels to your second toe. The Spleen meridian starts from the outside of your big toe and travels under your armpits.
This fifteen-minute fix helps unblock these lines, hopefully making you feel much happier and balanced.
Ankle Stretch 3 minutes
This is a nice way to stimulate your ankles, unblocking the meridians at source. If this pose feels too deep, do Child’s pose instead.

Try Dangling for a minute or so as a counterpose.
Cat Pulling its Tail 2-3 minutes each side
A really nice stretch to open up your quads and inner thighs. Hug your knees for a minute or so after each pose. You can almost feel the happiness beginning to flow.
Sphinx/Seal 3 minutes
Sphinx/Seal 3 minutes

More 15 Minute Fixes To Try

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