Yin Yoga 50 Logo
Snail stretches your spine—creating space between each vertebra—making you more flexible.

It can relieve backaches due to bad posture or sitting too long in front of a desk—or binge watching the TV. It also releases the shoulders, biceps, and triceps.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Lie down on your mat. Bring your legs together, arms by your sides, palms down.

Use your core to lift your hips and swing your legs up and over with your toes toward the floor.

The Easy Way.

If like me you have tight hamstrings you can use a wall. Lie down with your head about one to two feet (thirty to sixty centimeters) away from the wall.

Now use your core to lift your hips and swing your legs up and overhead onto the wall behind you.

Still too hard? Just fold forward into the Caterpillar pose.

The Counter Pose.

Do Window Wipers on your back or switch over onto your front and stay in Sphinx pose for a short while.
Roll back down until you’re lying on your mat.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

Tight hamstrings draw your pelvis backward which can lead to lumbar pain. This stretch can help prevent this.


Stimulates the Bladder meridian.

More Poses To Try

Hold Your Poses
Holding poses for time gently lengthens your fascia and mildly stresses your joints and connective tissues, increasing their range of motion.
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