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For Healthier Knees And Hips
A lifetime of using our knees and hips means that they’ve taken a lot of stress and could be on the way to wearing out – if they haven’t done already.

This sequence helps bring that little bit of flexibility back to our most important tissues when it comes to mobility, so you can keep on rocking—even if you’ve already got an artificial joint or two.
Savasana 4 minutes.

Enjoy some peace before you start the sequence. Think about your hips and knees in particular. Is there any one area that is stiffer than the other? In my case I feel the outside of my left knee, but when I concentrate I understand that I have a tight left groin.

Releasing the groin takes the pressure off my knee.
Butterfly 3 minutes
Butterfly stretches the knee and thigh muscles, promoting movement and relieving pain.

Counterpose: Deer pose.
Sphinx/Seal 3 minutes
These poses increase range of motion in your joints, relieving pressure – and pain from your hips and knees.

Be careful if you have a problem with your back. Find your edge and don’t push it.

Counterpose: Child’s pose.
Squat as long as you feel comfortable
This is an excellent way to relieve pressure on our hips, ankles, and knees. If you find squatting a problem, hold on to a table leg or a staircase.

Counterpose: Dangling.
Sleeping Swan 3 minutes each side
Extending your hip flexors and stretching your IT band relieves pressure on these important muscles and joints. For extra comfort, rest your bottom or the side of your bent leg on a bolster.

Counterpose: Downward dog.
Half Saddle 3 minutes each side
This is a great way to stretch your hip flexors and quads, relieving tension in all your lower joints.

Counterpose: Supine Twist 3 minutes each side.
Supine Twist 3 minutes each side
This excellent hip rotation pose stretches the tendons to the knee on your outside leg as well as freeing up your hip. Make it feel restorative by resting you knees on a bolster. Try putting a cushion or block between your knees for even more relaxation in the pose.

Savasana As long as you like.

Savasana relaxes the tissues around your hips and knees. 5 minutes or more will help release stress and make you feel less tired.

More Sequences To Try

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