Yin Yoga 50 Logo
Squatting is our natural way to sit. It stretches our groins, hips, inner thighs, and strengthens our ankles, knees, and legs.

Squatting increases flexibility and relieves stiffness and tightness.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down. Maybe push your legs apart a little with your arms?

The Easy Way.

If you have problems squatting down— particularly under ninety degrees—grab hold of a door frame or something similar.

You can also put a folded towel under your heels if they come up off the ground.

The Counter Pose.

Try Dangling or Caterpillar for a short time.
If you’re by a door or chair, use them to pull yourself up, or simply stand up.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

Try an assisted squat by holding onto something like a table. You can then find which points of your body you should concentrate on.


Stimulates the Liver, Kidney, Bladder. Stomach, Spleen, and Gallbladder if you feel stretching in your ankles.

More Poses To Try

If you’re feeling pain, then back out of the pose slightly, or back out altogether and enjoy a few minutes in Savasana.
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