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Child's Pose
This pose is a classic counterpose for many other poses, but a great pose to do every day. It gently stretches out your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles and helps relieve back and neck pain.

It’s also a great pose to soothe and calm as it stimulates the flow of blood to your head.

Why it's good for you...

How to do:-

Child's Pose
From a Tabletop position, put your toes together and keep your knees a hip-width apart. Now push back until your bottom comes back between your knees – or as far back as you can go to find your edge.

Extend your arms in front of you with your head on the mat or on a blanket (on the mat).

The Easy Way.

Maybe have your legs wider apart? And if it’s more comfortable, have your arms along the sides of your body.

The Counter Pose.

Child’s pose is often used as a counterpose. But if you’ve been in the pose for several minutes, then rocking backward and forward in Tabletop position is a great loosener.
Push up with your bottom and arms until you come back into Tabletop position.

Coming out of the pose

The Physio Says.

When your back muscles are tight, they can easily tire and weaken, leading to problems. Child’s pose is a great way to relax the whole body’s structure, potentially preventing that damage.


Stimulates Kidney, Bladder, and Spleen meridians. Keeping your knees wide apart targets the Liver meridian.

More Poses To Try

Don’t Try To Use Your Body To Get Into The Pose
Don’t try to use your body to get into the pose–use the pose to get into your body. Don’t care what other people look like, just focus on the benefit you’re giving yourself.
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